
I Got the Happy 101 Award

A few days ago, J-Lee over at Domestic Engineer Extraordinaire gave me the Happy 101 Award.  Life has been so crazy lately that blogging has been sort of "back burner" so I am just now getting a post done about this.

Here are the rules:
     1.  Copy the award image into a post.
     2.  List 10 things that make you happy.
     3.  Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.
     4.  Put in a link to their blogs.
     5.  Notify the award receivers.
     6.  Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog. 
     10 Things that Make Me Happy
         1.  Just being alive and relatively healthy.
         2.  My husband and family and the fact that they are healthy.
         3.  That my 19-year old granddaughter who is following her dreams and living and going to school in
              California finally found a job she actually likes after looking for six months.
         4.  Reading blogs (which I spend way too much time doing).
         5.  New "virtual friends" I have met online.
         6.  My two, very spoiled "cat" children.
         7.  Cooking has always made me happy, now blogging about it does.
         8.  All the fresh fruits and veggies available this time of year.
         9.  A warm, but not too, summer day.
       10.  Living in America.

    Blogger I'm Passing this award on to:

    Eat at Home  If there was a "sweetest blogger" award, Tiffany would certainly be in the running.  I so appreciate all she has done for me, and that she liked my recipes and wanted to interview me.  Her blog is really great, and I visit every day.

    Jam Hands  Ali has great recipes, great photos and great info all around.  I always find new information and new blogs in the links posted in Ali's Notebook.

    Whoa, this got posted too soon.  I scheduled it, and thought I had plenty of time to finish it up; but didn't get back to it.  Sorry to those who only got a partial post.

    Mel's Kitchen Cafe  This was one of the first food blogs I discovered and started reading regularly.  Mel always has wonderful recipes, and this is where I found my husband's now favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe-Chocolate Chip Treasure Cookies, which contain no eggs.

    Miz Helen's Country Cottage  A sweet Texas blogger who, like me is "over a certain age".  What that is, I won't tell.  She hosts Full Plate Thursdays.

    Fran's Faves  Another new blogger, I just discovered, who started blogging a little before I did.  Also "over a certain age".  She has great recipes and a cute husband.  I look forward to reading all her posts.

    Pinch of This, That, and The Other  This young, military wife is also a new blogger.  Her family just moved to Japan.  She posts the most wonderful desserts along with other goodies. She hosts Whisking Wednesdays.  I look forward to reading about her Japan adventures.

    Debbiedoos..Blogging and Babbling  Because life is not all about the food.  This is a very inspirational decorating blog.  Debbie is a great supporter of new bloggers and hosts a Newbie Link Party on Sundays and Mondays.

    Serenity Now  Again, because life is not all about the food.  A great decorating/life styles blog.  She has wonderful information on blogging and is doing a series on Blogging Myths right now.  She hosts Weekend Bloggy Reading.

    This Chick Cooks  Delicious recipes, fun to read.  She hosts These Chicks Cooked on Wednesdays.

    Mandy's Recipe Box   Another fun blog with delicious recipes.  She hosts Totally Tasty Tuesdays.

    If you haven't visited some of the above blogs, please go.  They are well worth the time.

    J-Lee, Thanks for the award.

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