
Cinnamon Sugar Root Beer Quick Bread-Secret Recipe Club

Secret Recipe Club

Visiting my assigned blog for this month’s Secret Recipe Club, It Bakes Me Happy, made me happy.   I just knew that a blog with the word “bake” in the title would be filled with wonderful recipes, and it was.  Emily started this blog in 2010 and has posted many great baked sweets, but she does have some very good savory dishes also.  I want to make Chicken, Bacon, Potato Soup soon.  I cannot tell you how many of Emily’s sweet treat recipes I want to make, but Sweet Potato Cinnamon Rolls are very near the top of the list as is her Monkey Bread which is made from scratch not frozen bread dough.

Some Christmases I give mini quick bread loaves for Christmas gifts so when I saw the recipe for Cinnamon Sugar Root Beer Bread I, knew that is what I would make for this post.  I was intrigued by the fact that  there was no egg and  very little butter in the recipe and the way the butter was used.  I knew I just has to make the recipe and see what happened.

I didn’t have root beer on hand and didn’t want to stop at the store, so I just bought a can from the vending machine at work.  I had planned to add some root beer extract to the mix, but forgot to do it.  The next time, I think I will add a teaspoon as the root beer flavor was very subtle.

I made six mini loaves, so I sliced a tablespoon slice of butter, cut it into six pieces and then cut each piece into three pieces and put three in each mini loaf pan.  I repeated this with the second tablespoon  of butter for the top of the loaves.  I had cinnamon sugar on hand so didn’t measure it but just sprinkled the mixture generously over the top of the loaves.

The bread was moist and easy to slice.  In an attempt to amp up the root beer flavor, I combined a quarter cup of cream cheese and 1/4 teaspoon root beer extract to spread on the bread.  I think cinnamon flavored cream cheese would be great on the bread also.

Thanks, Emily, for a interesting new recipe that I will make often.

Note:  I use PicMonkey to edit my photos and have been unable to upload any all day, so no photos at this time.  I am so sorry about this.  Edited 11/11/13  Pickmonkey and my computer have decided to be friends again, so here are my photos finally.

Cinnamon Sugar Root Beer Quick Bread
from “It Bakes Me Happy bog”
2 c. all purpose flour
1 c. whole wheat flour (I used white whole wheat)
2 T. sugar
1 T. baking powder
3/4 t. salt
2 T. honey
1 (12 oz.) can root beer
2 (1 tablespoon slices) butter
Cinnamon sugar

Combine flours, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl.  Carefully pour root beer into a small bowl.  Let set a few minutes to let foam subside some.  Add honey and mix well.  Combine root beer mixture with flour mixture, stirring only until dry ingredients are just moistened.   Cut one slice of butter into 6 parts and cut each part into 3 pieces.  Either scatter butter over the bottom of a greased 9x5 loaf pan or place three pieces in each of six greased mini loaf pans.  Spoon dough into loaf pan or evenly into mini pans.  Repeat butter process with the second slice of butter.  Sprinkle generously with cinnamon sugar.  Bake at 350 degrees 50 to 55 minutes for loaf pan or  23 to 25 minutes for mini loaves.  Cool in pan for 10 minutes, then remove from pan and cool completely on a wire rack.  Makes 1 large loaf or 6 mini loaves.

Check out the links below to see what other Secret Recipe Club Group B members posted this month.

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