
Online Blogcon Early Bird Special Ends Friday

Well, I said that I don't usually post on Sunday, and here I am today with post number 2.  I just want to be sure that any of my lovely readers who might have been thinking about "attending" Online Blogcon this fall and may have put registering on the back burner or forgotten about it, that Early Bird Pricing ends next Friday, August 2nd.

So, why would you want to "attend" this conference?  Well, for one, you can go in your pajamas with no make-up.  More serious, you will get very useful information to help you grow your blog without investing a lot of money and having to be away from home for several days.  This year the conference is divided into 3 sections.  There is a section for the beginner blogger, a section for a more experienced blogger, and a section specifically for the food or craft blogger.  Each section is $19.99 or all three can be taken for $49.99.  This is the Early Bird Price that will expire on Friday.  The pricing will go up after that.

Personally, besides the great information available, I think that the best thing about Online Blogcon is the private Facebook membership that comes as part of the package.  You get to become part of the Online Blogcon community, and that happens as soon as you complete your registration.  You don't have to wait until October to ask questions and get answers, share your triumphs, get networking opportunities and so much more.  If you do not have family and/or friends involved in blogging, you know that it is sometimes a lonely path.  You will find people here who understand you and share your passion.  To get all the facts and to register, please visit

Note:  I attended Online Blogcon last year and am attending all three session again this year, but I am not an affiliate nor am I being compensated for this post.  I just think that this is a wonderful option to spending time and money to attend a "regular-type" conference.  Hope I "see" you there.

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