
Ingredient Spotlight-DIY Flour Tortilla Taco Salad Bowls


I don’t have a recipe on my blog using tortillas so didn’t think that I would have a contribution to Ingredient Spotlight today.  Than I thought perhaps it might be helpful to share how I make bowls for taco salad using flour tortillas.

You can buy taco salad bowls, but they are a little expensive and are usually deep fried.  I like the baked taco bowls better than deep fried ones because they don’t leave that greasy after-taste in you mouth that deep fried ones do.

I use regular size tortillas for my bowls so they don’t make a very big bowl.  One bowl is usually enough for me.  If you have big eaters, you can serve them two.  You can also buy the extra large tortillas to make bigger bowls.


This is what you need to make the taco salad bowls.  The flour tortillas, a can of non stick spray, an empty soup can, and a custard cup or small oven-proof bowl.  I do not currently have any empty soup cans so had to put an unopened can in the photo.  You can use other empty cans such as vegetable cans, but the custard cups don’t sit as securely on them


Spray the bottom of the custard cup with nonstick spray and turn the cup upside down on the top of the soup can.


Center a flour tortilla as best you can on the custard cup and mold it around the custard cup with your hand.  Place the cans with the custard cup on a baking sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees for 7 to 10 minutes until tortilla is crisp.  Remove from oven and and let cool.  Remove taco bowl from custard cup.


These can be made ahead, but they don’t stack well because each one is a little different shape.  To me, that is part of their charm.  Fill these with the ingredients for your favorite taco salad.

Linking to:  Ingredients Spotlight
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Foodie Wednesday

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