
Maple Curry Glazed Delicata Squash-Eating the Alphabet


Here we are in the last quarter of 2013’s Eating the Alphabet hosted by Brenda from Meal Planning Magic.  We are up to the letters S and T.  I am taking a bit of freedom here and making a recipe using winter squash. specifically Delicata squash.  To really go by the guidelines, I probably should have chosen Spaghetti squash, but wanted to use a vegetable that I had never eaten.

My local Safeway had organic Delicata squash for $ .99 a lb. so I purchased two that were about 7-inches long and 3-inches in diameter.  This amount should make four servings.  The skin of this squash is eatable, but most people will probably not want to eat it.

I had seen a recipe over at Veggie Venture for a simple maple glaze used with butternut squash.  I adapted this glaze recipe to use with the Delicata squash and added a bit of curry powder.  I used 1/2 t. curry powder, but adjust it to your taste.

Since the original glaze was used with butternut squash, and I used it with the Delicata squash, the glaze would be appropriate for almost any winter squash.

This was an easy and delicious recipe which I will add to my often used recipes. I think these would be attractive to use for a dinner party.

Maple Curry Glazed Delicata Squash
2 Delicata squash, about 7-inches long
2 T. unsalted butter, melted
1/4 c. pure maple syrup
1/2 t. or more curry powder

Wash squash well and cut off stem and blossom ends.  Slice each squash into 3/4-inch rings.  You should get about 8 rings from each squash.  Using a spoon and knife remove the seeded area from center of each squash ring.  Spray a 9x13-inch baking pan liberally with no-stick spray.  Place squash rings in baking pan.  Combine melted butter, maple syrup and curry powder and mix well.  Brush the tops and inside centers with the glaze mixture.  Bake squash at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and turn squash over.  Brush with glaze and bake 10 more minutes.  Repeat above, turning and basting with the glaze every 10 minutes until squash is tender, abut 40 minutes total.  Place squash in serving dish and drizzle any glaze that is left over the top.  Makes 4 servings.

Linking to these great parties:

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