
Shout Out Sunday

Here are some great party ideas from around the blogging world...

Polka Dots on Parade shared her Beach Blanket Tic-Tac-Toe board.  I love this idea and how easy and fun it is.  I may actually make one of these for a non-water activity for our birthday party next week.  It might be a nice break for the kids to play with when they get 'watered' out. 

ReMarkable Home shared her Trampoline Tent.  How awesome would this be for a camp out in the backyard?  Or a play date?  To have your own little world under the trampoline would be any kids dream. 

ObSeussed shared these Lego Storage Jars.  With all the Lego parties going on right now, these cute baby food jars would be perfect to put those cute chocolate Lego guys or bricks in as a yummy party favor.  I love the idea!  You could actually use this idea on a larger scale for table centerpieces or balloon weights.  LOVE IT!

Creative Mommas shared the tutorial on making this Dessert Table Awning.  I just love how fun and festive this makes the dessert table.  It has so many fun uses from lemonade stand to party table that I can't help but want to go buy some bookcases now just for the box!

Choose to Thrive shared these DIY Travel Games.  After just coming back from a 2 week vacation, I can tell you how VERY much I wish I had seen this idea before going.  I love how easy it is to make your own games for travel.  With a little cute packaging, these would make great party favors for a game night too.

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