
Summer Vacation Shindig: Fairytale 1st Birthday

While I'm taking time off to share Summer Vacation with my hubby and kids, I wanted to share some AMAZING parties that I have seen through blog land.  I'm starting with this awesome first birthday thrown by EnJoying My Journey for her daughter's First Birthday party.

One of the things I love most about this party is how Original it is.  I've seen a few first birthday parties and I think they are really one of the funnest parties you can throw.  And Missy did a great job with coming up with a fun, original idea for hers.  She took lots of books and styled her party around the Once Upon A Time theme.  So cool!

She started with some fun invitations based on her book theme and the colors pink and turquoise.

She had books throughout the party as decorations, including these lovely pennant banner made from a damaged Bambi book.

Even the food was based on books (and we know how much I love when hostesses are clever that way!)

Everything from the drinks...

to the treats...

She even tied her party favors into the book theme by giving each family a board book to take home and this sweet Happily Ever After hugs and kisses favor.

Check out Missy's blog EnJoying My Journey for all the fun details of this AWESOME party.

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