
Friday Finds

Yesterday I noticed that the local produce stand has their asparagus sign out.  This is a sure sign of spring.  We are fortunate enough to live in an asparagus-producing area so can purchase it fresh at a very reasonable price all season long.  I will be stopping by to make my first purchase today on the way to work.

Asparagus is one of my hubby's favorite veggies, and we eat a lot of it in season.  There is only one way that he wants it prepared, however, and that is breaded and deep fried.  Me, I love asparagus anyway you want to put it in front of me.  Here are some ideas I found that will. maybe, get hubby out of the deep-fried asparagus rut.

Finding Joy in My Kitchen

From our own "Friday Favorite Finds" leader comes one of the simplest, and, I think, one of the best ways to prepare asparagus.  Sno White used basil in her recipe, but this could be varied with other herbs.

The Better Baker

This recipe from Marsha is one I am very anxious to try, even if I end up eating it all myself.  The additional of brown sugar is interesting.  Of course, I think sugar makes most everything better.

Kalyn's Kitchen

I think that this idea would make the perfect spring-time luncheon main dish or maybe just a hearty snack.  She does say that a bit thicker asparagus spears are best for this dish.

Mennonite Girls Can Cook

Here is a casserole with ingredients much like that green bean casserole except using asparagus.  This would be a good one if you wanted to "gussie up" some asparagus for a potluck or such.  What I like about this dish is that chicken or ham could be added, and this would be a great main dish.

Asparagus is a great ingredient to use in soup.  Here are a couple of ideas.

Simply Recipes

Asparagus paired with chicken broth and cream.  Sounds yummy to me.

The Better Baker

Back to Marsha for this one, and she pairs asparagus with Monterey Jack cheese.  This is a combination that I would not have though of.

So, I am curious.  Asparagus seems to be one of those veggies that people either love or hate.  Do you like asparagus, and how do you prefer it prepared?

As always the photos were taken by and are the property of the owners of the respective blogs represented.

I am linking up to Friday Favorite Finds at Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  Click on over to find links to what other bloggers have found in their travels around the web this week.

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