
From Food Blog to Travelogue


Today we embark on a 5,000 mile road trip so this is where I will be spending most of my time in the next couple of weeks.  Since there doesn’t seem to be a kitchen in this thing, temporarily, I guess, this food blog will have to become a travelogue.

I thought I might share some of our adventures with you.  We will be visiting some of the great places of nature:  Zion National Park, The Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park.  We will also see some family and visit Branson, MO.

The most exciting thing for me about this trip is that I am going to get to meet a fellow blogger, Danni from Silo Hill Farm.  It turns out that she lives very close to our planned route so she is going to make us brunch, and we get to see her farm.  I am sooo! excited about that.

We were married 50 years ago next month, so this is sort of our  second honeymoon.  We went to Vancouver, Canada for our first one, but it was only for a few days.  We have never taken this much time or driven this many miles before.  It will seem very strange not to be in my kitchen for this long.

We are driving to Salt Lake City today and spending the night there.  Tomorrow we will drive through Zion National Park to Tuba City, Arizona.  Monday we will see the south rim of the Grand Canyon and drive to Tucson.  If me and my new camera get along, I hope to have some nice pics in a day or two.  Wish us Godspeed, and we will see you on the road.

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