
Tangeld Lantern Lights

I had to have the floating lanterns from Tangled for my Rapunzel table, but I had no way to hang them since our ceiling is WAY TOO high to be able to drop lanterns onto one table.

So I had to figure out another way to give the illusion. 

Fortunately, I had a 5 candle candelabra that I found at a garage sale.  I have used this in several different ways in different parties (LOVE multi use items in my party stash.)  So I figured it would be perfect for adding the lanterns too.

I started by cutting a piece of vellum 8 inches by 5 inches.  Then I rolled it up with about 3/4 of an inch to spare along the LONG edge.  I used that extra to glue the lantern into a circle.

Then I added sunburst that I found HERE.  They were a little time consuming to cut out, but I was behind in my "Missing" anyway.

Once the suns were cut out, I glued them to the front of the lanterns and placed them onto the candelabra.  Each candle sits snuggly inside the opening so it won't get knocked off onto the table. 

I did place battery operated tea lights inside the candles, but you couldn't tell, so I don't know if I'll keep them or not on the night of the fundraiser.

A very simple but easy decoration addition to my Rapunzel table!

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