
Yarn Maze Easter Basket Hunt

On Easter morning last year, I was laying in bed feeling like a bit of a Failure Mom.  I had gotten up and filled the kids' Easter baskets and then laid back in bed and waited for them to wake up.  I had some fun Easter baskets, but we hadn't done anything fun that year.  No dying eggs.  No Easter hunts.  Nothing.

But inspiration hit while I was laying there.  

I got up and grabbed 4 different colors of yarn.  I started at Mini Me's doorknob and tied one end of the yarn.  (I had to make sure it was loose enough that he could get out without too much trouble.)

Then, I wound the yarn around everywhere in the living room, kitchen, dinning room, bathrooms--everywhere upstairs.  At the end of the string, I tied his Easter basket and hid it behind the piano.

I took the next color and tied it around Daredevil's door knob and did the same thing.
Then I repeated that for the older two.

When the kids all woke up, they were amazed at the maze.  They had a blast following their colors around the house to find their Easter baskets.  I think they had more fun finding their basket than what I put inside them.

It was a COMPLETE success and I went from Loser Mom to Mom of the Year.

Mom of the Year will be back again this year and maybe this time, we'll expand the maze to the whole house!  None of us can wait for the fun to begin.

What unusual Easter traditions does your family fun to make the holiday more fun?

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