
Shindig Saturday Weekly Linky Party #12

It's been totally one of THOSE weeks around here.
I learned last week on Mother's Day that I "won" Mother of the Year.  (Is the sarcasm dripping through the computer screen? Sorry.)  It's been a tough week while I learned that I am not the best parent sometimes.  Apparently, I need to do more listening and less trying to fix my kids' problems.  Teenagers really should come with an instruction book.

But on the other hand, we are celebrating a milestone today!  "The Daredevil" has had a problem.  Another reason for me to win Mother of the Year. (Sorry, there's that sarcasm again.) 
 He is a thumb sucker.  When he was a baby, we thought it was cute.  It was nice not to worry about having to have a pacifier.  He could self soothe as a baby.
It's not so cute now that he's 10.  We've tried everything we could think of to help him quit.  But nothings worked.  Until now. (Silent Cheers!)  We are going on over 2 weeks without a sucking incident!  I guess he just needed to be ready, because he's done it all himself.  We celebrate each and every day and he's as proud of himself as I am.

So I guess, it's just one of THOSE weeks where I need to celebrate the good accomplishments and work harder on the not-so-good accomplishments.  It's hard.  I don't think I'll win that coveted Mother of the Year award, but I guess we were sent to Earth to experience the good and the bad....and I need to just keep moving forward...with or without that instruction book.

On to other celebrations....
The winner of our Finest Teacher plaque is

These cute felt projects are a guest post designed and made by Plus2.4.  They are the cutest thing!  They would be great to make for a child's play kitchen or as decorations at your next party or what about adding some weight into the strawberries and using them as tablecloth weights at your next picnic?  Such a great idea!

You definitely need to check out Red Ted Art's blog for some amazing posts!  You all know how much I LOVE cake pops and she has the tutorial for some amazing Hello Kitty Cake Pops.  I just purchased myself a Babycakes Cake Pop maker and spent all night playing with it, so now I can easily and quickly make these great cake pops for some deserving little girls in my neighborhood!  These little girls also love to come to my house and craft and we make Hama Bead crafts all the time.  You should check out THIS post on these amazing beads.  You'll love the versatility and ease of this fun craft.

You really need to check out Red Ted Art's blog for some fun projects, some great guests posts, and some BEAUTIFUL pictures!

Now let's party!
This week's party favor is a set of our Noah's Ark Cupcake Wrappers.

These cupcake wrappers are perfect for your next themed Baby Shower.  Just wrap these around a standard sized cupcake and add a little tape or glue to secure.  They'll help make your dessert table the next best thing to the mom-to-be herself!

To ENTER, just join our Linky Party by sharing your favorite party themed craft, table scape, photo, favor, or whatever! I'm pretty flexible since just about everything can be used at a party...that's the great thing about us moms! We can see the potential in ANYTHING!

(We'll use a random generator to pick the winner next Friday evening.)

Linky Party Guidelines:
* Link up to your OWN project post, not just your blog, but your actual post. (We want to see it!)
*Grab a Shindig Saturday button for your post or blog page. (Hey, it benefits us all!)
*Stay and enjoy the party by visiting and commenting on other's projects. (It's fun to mix and mingle!)

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