
Shindig Saturday Weekly Linky Party #14

It's been a crazy week here...last Saturday was supposed to be my "day off".  My husband's work has a BIG Softball tournament once a year where they play tournament games from 7 am to 7 at night.  They have the BBQ going all day and there are bounce houses for the kids.  We usually set up our Easy-Up and just "CHILL" all day watching the games and enjoying the company.

Instead I spent the day running and at the ER.

My hubby decided to play catcher on a team this year and during the second game, one of the batters came running into him and lowered his shoulder right into my husbands knee.  Totally hyper-extended it and too my hubby out.

We spent the day at the ER trying to figure out how bad his knee was.  They x-rayed it and determined it wasn't fractured, but couldn't determine anything beyond that due to how much pain he was in.  So I've spent the week "baby-ing" my dear hubby.  And let me tell you, that's ALOT of work.

So it seems everything has taken so much longer to do this week.  Everything is so much harder.  Sometimes I think I don't realize how much he does for me and around the house, but when he can't walk or drive or do much, I'm left with it all.  And that's hard.

But enough about my hard week....the winner of this week's Baseball Cake Party Boxes is

For Such a Time as This who shared her recipe Homemade Cheeze Its.  These look so yummy.  My hubby LOVES Cheeze It's but I'm so bad about buying them.  He and the kids can go through a whole box in a very short time and those boxes are so expensive.  I love that Jennifer shared how to make our own.  The recipe looks pretty easy and doesn't have anything I'd have to run to the store for...everything is already in my cupboard or fridge.  A real plus when I'm cooking because I am so lazy when it comes to food.  I can't wait to go try these.

If you are looking for a lot of good recipes to try, you really need to check out For Such a Time as This.  There are alot of good recipes on her blog from Cinnamon French Toast (my family will LOVE this as an addition for our Sunday brunch) to Key Lime Pie (a personal favorite of mine that I never make) to Homemade Chocolate Syrup (how great would it be to save money there by making your own?!?!)  You really need to check out all these great recipes...I know I'll be printing off a few!

Thanks Jennifer for stopping by and sharing our treat with us.  If you'll email me I'll get your boxes out ASAP.

This week's Blog Party favor is
This notebook is made from a REAL  movie theatre sized candy box.  Inside the box is 80 sheets of lined notebook paper for you to keep notes.  It's a perfect size and a great conversation piece beside your phone, in your purse, or at your desk!

To ENTER, just join our Linky Party by sharing your favorite party themed craft, table scape, photo, favor, or whatever! I'm pretty flexible since just about everything can be used at a party...that's the great thing about us moms! We can see the potential in ANYTHING!

Don't have a blog? Want an extra entry?
Leave us a comment with your favorite project from our linky party!
(We'll use a random generator to pick the winner next Friday evening.)

Linky Party Guidelines:
* Link up to your OWN project post, not just your blog, but your actual post. (We want to see it!)
*Grab a Shindig Saturday button for your post or blog page. (Hey, it benefits us all!)
*Stay and enjoy the party by visiting and commenting on other's projects. (It's fun to mix and mingle!)

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