
12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies-Graham Marshmallow Drops

There is an interesting thing about recipes.  There are those recipes that you see in print again and again and those that you see in print once and never seem to see again.  This is one of the later.

I clipped this one from a Better Homes and Gardens magazine back in the late 70’s or early 80’s.  It has been part of my Christmas baking ever since then.  This recipe is supposed to be an unbaked cookie, but it is more of a candy/confection to me.  The cookie are very easy to make, although there are a few tricks to follow.  Most people like these and are intrigued by the flavor.

Although there is a resting period involved in making these, they are relative quick to make and only require ingredients easily found in most pantries.

The one thing to remember when making the cookies is to be sure that the eggs are at room temperature.  I put my eggs in a bowl of warm water and let them set for 10 minutes or so.  The eggs must be beaten very well and added to the butter/sugar mixture very slowly, Stiring, Stiring. Stiring with a wire whisk while adding.  If there does seem to be a bit of cooked egg in the end, do not worry about it.  The egg cannot be detected in the finished cookies.

Unlike Rice Krispy Treats which require fresh marshmallows, marshmallows that have been around awhile can be used in these.  The marshmallows soften from being combined with the other ingredients.  Colored marshmallows are very nice to use.

I usually just crush one sleeve of graham crackers to make these.  That usually measures out to be between 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cup cracker crumbs.  To make a chocolate version of these, simply use chocolate graham crackers.  I like to use 1 t. almond extract and chopped almonds if making chocolate ones.  Be sure to toast any nuts used for better flavor.

One word of warning.  These can be quite addictive.



Graham Marshmallow Drops-BH&G
1/2 c. butter or margarine
1 c. sugar
2 well beaten eggs
1 t. vanilla
1 1/4 c. graham cracker crumbs
2 c. mini Marshmallows
1/2 c. chopped walnuts, toasted
1/4 c. flaked coconut

In heavy saucepan, melt butter, stir in sugar.  Remove from heat.  Cool for 5 minutes.  Add well beaten eggs very, very slowly, stirring constantly.  Return to heat; cook and stir over medium heat till mixture is thickened and bubbly.  Remove from heat; let stand 25 minutes at room temperature, stirring once or twice.  Add vanilla and stir.  Add graham cracker crumbs and mix well.  Blend in marshmallows, nuts, and coconut.  Drop from teaspoon onto waxed paper.  Let set.  Makes 3 1/2 to 4 doz.

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