
A Little Give Away

I just brought my blog up today and noticed that I have 51 followers.  Wow!  Followers, Thank You All.  Now I know that for the “big” bloggers out there, 51 followers is just a “drop in the bucket” so to speak.  However, for this little old grandmother who wasn’t sure any one would want to come and read her blog, it is really exciting.  For those of you whom I am not yet following back, I am coming to follow you this weekend.

In honor of the occasion, I have decided to do a little give away.  Now I don’t have any advertisers or sponsors, so I decided to delve into my extensive cookbook collection and share a cookbook that I have two of.

Long before there was Todd Wilber and his Secret Recipes, there was Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective.  If you would like to read her story, you can go here and here.  Like my collection of Farm Journal Cookbooks, I have a number of her cookbooks.

I am giving away this one.  She wrote two editions of it, one in 1984 and one in 1989.  This is the revised 1989 edition.

Except for some fading along the spine, this book is in very good condition.  Long out of print, this little book is selling for $29.95 by a book seller on Amazon.

Gloria had a unique way of writing her cookbooks with different types of recipe formats all on the same page as shown here.



To win this cookbook, you do not have to follow me on Facebook (I have a page with nothing on it) or Twitter ( I am not there).  All that I ask is that you make a comment on this post and answer this question.  Do you (or your mother/grandmother) have any of the Recipe Detective Cookbooks?

I will keep the give away going until midnight next Friday, October 7.  I will then draw a winner from the comments.  So, if you like old cookbooks or just want “a blast from the past”, please leave a comment.

Have a great weekend.  I will be back tomorrow with Cooking from the Blogs.

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