
Friday Finds

I am a bit in the oriental mode with my finds this week.  First up:

Six Sisters' Stuff

I most definitely need to schedule an oriental meal soon.  These would certainly fit right in, and if I made the recipe below in the slow cooker, I would be able to work on these at the last minute.

Six Sisters' Stuff

I know that I posted a link to a more traditional recipe for Orange Chicken last week, and I do want to try that one; but I also want to try this slow cooker version.  It will be interesting to compare the two.

The Apron Gal

This is a new-to-me blog, and this looks very good.  I like that she makes the Peanut Sauce from scratch.  I am always, always looking for new ways to prepare chicken.

Like Mother, Like Daughter-Food

This is one more way that I want to make chicken.  This is another new-to-me blog that I want to spend more time exploring. 

Life with Lissy

Of course, leave it to me to find a recipe that takes two low-calorie vegetables and turns them into a more high-calorie side dish.  This does look so yummy, but I would use fresh veggies in this probably.

Eat at Home

I certainly couldn't end the list without a dessert.  Tiffany at Eat at Home just posted this great looking recipe for Apple Crisp in the slow cooker.  I love to make desserts in the slow cooker.  It frees up the range to make other things, and you don't have to watch them all the time.

I am participating in the 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and am finding many great cookie recipes.  This week's linky is here.

Note:  All photos were taken by and belong to the owners of the respective blogs represented.

As always I am most anxious to see the great recipes that others have found.

Linking to Friday Favorite Finds

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