
Friday Finds

I made some new recipes from blogs this week so won't post them here.  Stop by on Sunday and see what they are.  They were very good.

Tiffany over at Eat at Home had tortillas as the ingredient in the Ingredient Spotlight on Wednesday.  Here are some of the recipes that caught my eye.

Finding Joy in My Kitchen

One of the things that I really need to start doing is making homemade tortillas.  Sno White, our fearless Friday Favorite Finds leader has a post on how to do this included in her 31 Days to Cooking from Scratch Series.  Definitely on my "to-do" list.

The Sweets Life

Just try saying the name of this recipe very fast a few times.  This is certainly one of the more unusual uses for flour tortillas, but I like all of the ingredients and want to give this one a try.

Finding Joy in My Kitchen

Here is another interesting idea combining flour tortillas with Italian ingredients.  This recipe goes back to 2008 so may be a "new" one to some of us.  I like this for a quick lunch idea.

My Favorite Finds

Here is another take on the Italian ingredients/flour tortilla combination.  This one is cooked on the griddle.  Another good lunch idea, I think.

Big Bear's Wife

This is a recipe that uses ingredients that both my hubby and I like.  He doesn't care for refried beans and I don't care for salsa so I think that this will work for us.  I like that the tortillas are cut up and scattered through out the dish.

This was my contribution to Ingredient Spotlight.  I shared how I make baked flour tortilla bowls for taco salad at home.

Perhaps one of these recipes will tempt you to do something a little different with flour tortillas.

All photos were taken by and are the property of the owners of the respective blogs represented.

As always, I am anxious to see what other bloggers have found in their travels around the net this week.

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