
Friday Finds

After the sugar coma I put everyone in last week, I though that I should be good this week.  We like pork a lot; and every few weeks, I am able to get Hormel Pork Tenderloins for $5.00 each.  These weigh about 1 1/2 lbs. and normally cost $10.99 each!  You can see why I snap them up when they go on sale.

Because I usually have a few pork tenderloins on hand, I am always looking for new recipes.  This week I went looking to see what I could find and found some great blogs in the process.  Here are a few that caught my eye.

The Cooking Frog Blog

With pork wrapped in bacon and cooked with carrots, potatoes, onions and apples, this looks as though it would be a great one-dish meal.

The Way the Cookie Crumbles

Rhubarb season is just around the corner.  I am going to try this recipe when it finally gets here.  We like rhubarb so I think this will be a good one.

Healthy and Gourmet

Apples always go well with pork.  The spices used here sound wonderful and should make my kitchen smell really good.

Delicious Dishes

Asian inspired dishes are among my favorites so I think that I will love this one.  I may even serve it with asparagus like shown in the photo.

Raising Chaos

Another Asian inspired recipe with a different set of ingredients.  I am very anxious to try this one, too.

Noble Pig

Honey mustard is one of my husband's favorite flavors.  This is a recipe that should really please him.

I consider this recipe a real find.  This is a one-dish meal cooked in a slow cooker.  I have never cooked pork tenderloin this way, but I certainly am going to give it a try.  As a bonus Andrea gives recipes for Cajun, Creole, Mexican, Moroccan, and Indian spice rubs to use on the pork so it can have a different flavor every time it is made.

Kitchen Confidante

Another Asian inspired recipe.  This one has soy sauce, peanut butter, garlic, red pepper and mango chutney. This combination sounds wonderful.

All of these recipes will keep me making new pork tenderloin recipes for quite awhile.

Now I was going to stick with just meat dishes this week, but then I came across this:  

Monster Pecan Shortbread Bars at Dwell on Joy.  This is a jazzed up version of a Ina Garten recipe.  With shortbread, pecans, caramel and M& M's, this is decadent enough to serve for several desserts.

All photos were taken by and are the property of the owners of the respective blogs represented.

I am linking up to Friday Favorite Finds at Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  Hop on over to find out what other bloggers have found in their travels around the web this week.

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