
Ingredient Spotlight-Chex Croutons-GF

A slightly different way to use any of the Chex Cereals is to make croutons with them to serve with soup or salad.  If you use Rice or Corn Chex, the crouton will be gluten free.

The croutons are very easy to make and almost don’t require a recipe.  Mix 5 cups Chex cereal with 1/4 c. melted butter and 1 t. seasoning of your choice.  I am giving a recipe below for Garlic and Parmesan Croutons.  You may use almost any seasoning of your choice either individually or mixed.  I have made these with garlic powder, onion powder, curry powder, Italian seasonings, taco seasoning mix, lemon/pepper mix.  You name it I have probably used it to make these.

Leftover croutons can be crushed and used over casseroles or vegetables.

Chex Croutons 1

Garlic and Parmesan Chex Croutons
5 cups Corn or Rice Chex cereal or a mix of the two
1/4 c. butter
1 t. garlic powder
3 T. grated 100% Parmesan cheese (shelf stable kind)

Measure Chex cereal into a large mixing bowl.  Melt butter in a glass measuring cup in microwave or in small saucepan on stove top.  Stir in garlic powder until well blended.  Drizzle butter mixture over cereal.  Toss until cereal is well coated.  Sprinkle cheese over cereal and toss again until well coated with cheese.  Turn cereal out onto a baking sheet or jelly roll pan.  Bake at 325 degrees 10 to 15 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool.  Make 5 cups croutons.

Chex Croutons 2

Linking to:  Ingredient Spotlight

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