
St Patricks Day Custom Plates

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I wanted to find some cute plates to go on my St Patricks day dinner table, but (if you haven't heard yet) Small Town, USA doesn't have much in the way of offering cute home products.  My Walmart is pretty lacking and there aren't many other shopping venues in town.

So I went to Dollar Tree and bought some glass plates.
I also picked up some cute fabric from Walmart. 
I already had the Mod Podge, scissors, pencil, and foam brush.

I started by using the backside of the fabric and using the plate as a template.

I cut out the circle about a 1/4 of an inch from the line I drew to allow for the curve of the plate.

I generously painted Mod Podge onto the back side of the plate.

Carefully, I laid the fabric circle onto the center of the plate.  I could rearrange and replace the fabric as long as I didn't push it down onto the fabric to hard.

When I was sure of the fabric placement, I started smoothing it out towards the edges.  For the most part, the crinkles on the edge smoothed out pretty easy.

To make sure the fabric was sealed in there, I painted another coat of Mod Podge on top.  Then, when that was dry (about a half hour or so), I painted another coat.

Now I have this cute set of plates for my St Patricks Day table for about 2.00 each!

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