
Easy, DIY Perpetual Buttermilk

We all know the common substitute for a cup of buttermilk using 1 T. lemon juice or vinegar and adding milk to measure 1 cup.  I have never been very satisfied with this substitute.  I do keep some dry buttermilk in my fridge (Saco), but I, by far, prefer using liquid buttermilk.  The problem is that I sometimes don't remember to pick it up.  I now keep liquid buttermilk on hand by making my own.

It takes only a small amount of commercial buttermilk to make homemade buttermilk, so before the buttermilk is gone I make a new batch. Once a batch of homemade buttermilk is made, it is possible to keep using the homemade buttermilk as a starter so one can keep making fresh buttermilk for quite some time.

The proportions to use are 1 part buttermilk, 4 parts milk and 1/8 t. Kosher salt per cup of milk used.  The method is as simple as placing the ingredients in a clean jar, shaking well, and letting the jar sit on the counter for 24 hours.  At that time the mixture should be thick and smell like buttermilk.  Place in refrigerator to store. 

Save some of this buttermilk to make the next batch of buttermilk.  Just keep saving some of the previous buttermilk batch to start the next batch.

I wish you could see how nice and thick this buttermilk is, much thicker than the commercial buttermilk I started with.

Any milk can be used to make this: whole, low-fat (which is what I usually use), skim and even goat's milk.  To make crème fraîche, stir 2 T. of the buttermilk into 1 cup of cream, cover and let stand 8 to 24 hours or until thick.

The recipe for 1 cup of buttermilk:
1/4 c. commercial buttermilk (or buttermilk from a previous batch)
1 c. milk
1/8 to Kosher salt

Combine ingredients in a clean jar, shake well.  Let sit on counter at room temperature for 24 hours.  Store in refrigerator.  Save enough buttermilk to make the next batch.

Each batch of buttermilk will last about two weeks.  If the amount of buttermilk gets "out of hand", it can be frozen.  I wrote a post about how freezing buttermilk here

The next time there is a bit of buttermilk on hand, give this a try.

Linking to these great parties:
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Tasteful Tuesday
Show Me What You Got
Totally Tasty Tuesday
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Two Cup Tuesday
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