
Guest Post Week

As you read this, I am somewhere in the wilds near Wallace, Idaho at a campground without internet access.  We are here because hubby is going 4-wheeling with his ORV club, and I am taking a "reading" vacation.  I have loaded up my Kindle with more books than I could ever read in a week, so I am reading and relaxing in the camper and cooking when I have to.

Several blogger friends have agreed to come over and share some goodies while I am gone.  First is Marsha from The Better Baker who is bring us Rhubarb and Minute Tapioca, then Danni from Silo Hill Farm who brings us a fun craft and a link to the best Caramel Corn ever.  Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker brings Coffeecake Muffins and CJ from Morsels of Life shares Chocolate Cake Mix.  Check back everyday, you won't want to miss any of it.

See you the end of the week.  PS, not the camper, just the pickup, and today is our 51st wedding anniversary.

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