
How to Design Memorable Wedding Cake?

Recently I went to a wedding in Birmingham and the one thing that was unforgettable was the wedding cake and its decorations. It is not that bride and groom were not looking awesome, obviously they were at the top of everything else that happened in the wedding but it was cake that catched my attention and dreamed of having most memorable cake at my own wedding just like that. So I thought of ways to make it most memorable and decided to discuss it with all. With right decorations and shape, you can make wedding cake that you dream of.

Mostly round shaped cakes are widely used in weddings because of its simple design and low cost. As now more and more people are going for such stuffs, many suppliers are offering various styles of cakes to choose from like Cadbury purple with diamantes and cascading flowers, photo cakes with picture of bride and groom onto the cake, 3 tier with shapes of your choice, decorated with edible diamonds, raspberry pink satin ribbon and many more decorations to choose from. When such a large varieties are available then why would any one go for traditional shapes of round, square and oval?

I would not recommend you to go for heavy decorations cake if you are planning a small gathering as it will not suit your theme. Choose the cake according to the theme. If you are planning a budget gathering then go for real stuffs like fresh flowers and ribbons to bring down the cost. They will add beauty as well as real essence to it. These decorations will make your cake look beautiful without adding much to the budget. Instead of ordering special cake, people prefer to choose from already made that are on display in grocery stores. I know of many such stores in Birmingham that sell them and even offer you to add extra topping to match your theme.

Choose the taste of cakes by keeping your guests in mind. Some of the most common preferred taste are fruitcake, lemon, chocolate, marble, marzipan and all time favorite white. Look out for best deal by visiting shops and searching online. Do some research before finalizing any deal with one particular baker. Check their portfolio and website for reference. Be sure to check the price of cakes with decorations to avoid last time confusion and delivery option. By giving attention to small things you can make your wedding cake most memorable and crowd pleaser.

Care 4 u by Julz is supplier of Wedding Cake and Wedding Decorations Birmingham . Also supply and fit party decorations for any occasion, to compliment your cake and special event. To contact call 07796646493 or 0121-353-5980.

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