
Friday Finds

After last week's sugar rush with all those Butterfinger recipes, I though that this week I should share recipes that are a bit healthier.

The Cook's Sister

The two ingredients for this month's Improv Challenge hosted by Kristen at Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker were peaches and an herb.  I think this is a great paring, and I can't wait to try this recipe.

Happier than a Pig in Mud

I love deviled eggs so anything with a deviled-egg flavor is right up my alley.  I will be trying this salad soon.  Lynn has a great method for cooking hard-cooked eggs here.  I haven't tried it yet, but I am sure going to.
What's Cooking in the Burbs

The temperature here is supposed to reach the triple digits over the next several days.  Seems like a great time to make something in my crock pot.  Since I like food with an oriental influence, I am sure I will like this recipe.
Food Connections

I have some kale left from my post for Eating the Alphabet.  I am finally going to try to make some kale chips.

Melissa's Bargains

What a great breakfast idea using just three ingredients you can easily keep on hand.  I am going to try these on hubby this weekend.  I will cut the recipe in half since there are just the two of us.

These are just a few of the wonderful recipes that I found this week.  I am linking up to Friday Favorite Finds over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  Click on over to see what other bloggers have found this week.

Sorry, Blogger seems to be messing with my vertical spacing.

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