
Rhubarb and Minute Tapioca-Guest Post

Today my guest is Marsha from The Better Baker.  Marsha emailed me shortly after I started my blog, and it was such a lovely email that she and have have become great "email friends" over the last couple of years.

Marsha is a co-host for Weekend Potluck which links up on Fridays.  She has also authored a cookbook and is soon to release another.  She shares great recipes on her blog, so be sure to stop by for a visit.

I am now turning it over to Marsha for a bit of background and a great rhubarb recipe.  Take it away, Marsha: 

Thanks so much Loy for allowing me to share on your lovely blog.  I continue to learn so much from Loy and love that we've gotten to know each other better via friendly emails.

I'm known as The Better Baker because over the years, when folks would comment they thought I was a good cook, my favorite reply was "But I'm a Better "Baker"...because that's my name!  Now that you know that story, I'll tell you a little about myself.

I married my high school sweetheart over 45 year Papa & Nana to 8 of the most beautiful grandkids you've ever laid eyes on. Five of them are redheads...just like my hubby. 

Ron is retired from 20 years of military service.  We've lived around the country, including two tours in Anchorage, Alaska - which we LOVED! He served 3 tours in Vietnam before we were married, and is now 100% disabled from exposure to Agent Orange. He's the most patriotic person I know and I couldn't be prouder of him. 
Because he's diabetic, and I work at having a healthier lifestyle too, I cook low/no sugar for us much of the time, and I often share those kinds of dishes on my blog. This rhubarb recipe can be made with either regular white sugar or sugar substitutes, like Xylitol or Splenda.

I published my first cookbook  3 years ago and have just submitted my second cookbook to Morris Press Cookbooks for publishing and hope to have it in my hand by Sept. 1.   Truly more than I could have dreamed would happen in my lifetime.  I am beyond blessed in so many ways.

I would love for you to come over and check out the recipes I've shared at my blog in my 4 years of been blogging.
 I grew up on 
this yummy dish!
Rhubarb tends to be one of those ingredients that if you didn't grow up eating it, you may have a hard time liking it.
It seems my mom had a dish of this (freshly made..often) in our fridge all summer long.  It was definitely the favorite rhubarb recipe in our family growing up.Still is mine!
Once you have your rhubarb washed &; chopped, this doesn't take long to make, from beginning to end. 
You have the option to (easily) make it sugar-free if you wish too.
You can add a can of crushed pineapple to the finished recipe, or do as I do sometimes...when I have leftover pineapple juice in the fridge, I use it for part of the water in the recipe. 

2-1/2 c. diced rhubarb
2-1/2 c. water
1-1/2 c. white sugar
(I used xylitol)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 c. minute tapioca
(the original recipe called for 1/4 c., but I like ours thicker)
few drops of red food coloring, optional
Cook all ingredients together in large saucepan over medium heat;stir occasionally.  Rhubarb breaks down while it cooks. (I often bang it again the side of the pan to help it's just what I do when I make this).  Stir to blend in food coloring; cool; refrigerate.
This keeps well for at least 2 weeks in the fridge.
Try it over ice cream. We love just a dish of it plain.

Thanks so much, Marsha, for stopping by and guest posting today.

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