
Friday Finds

What does one do when one can't sleep in the middle of the night?  One decides to finish up her Friday Finds blog post.  What does Blogger do when post is just about finished?  Blogger "EATS" it.  So, one starts over again.

Now I usually use Windows Live Writer to compile my recipe posts, but I use Blogger Editor for the Friday Finds one because of all the links.  So for the second time, here are my Friday Finds for this week.

The Kitchen Cookie

The Kitchen Cookie

Prairie Story

Prairie Story

I usually say a little something about each "Find", but since Blogger, Firefox, and my wireless internet connection all seem to be conspiring against me this morning, I am just going to go ahead and post this as is.  I will say, "Look around both these blogs."  They have good stuff.  Hope everyone else had an easier time with their posts than I did.  Looking forward to finding lots of new ideas.

Note:  All photos are the property of the owners of the respective blogs.

Linking to Friday Favorite Finds

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