
DIY Groceries-Spreadable or Diet Butter

Good Monday to all.  Thank you for following my blog.  I hope that you find the information that I post here useful.


Spreadable butter is a nice thing to have on hand to put on bread, etc.  Unfortunately spreadable butter is a little pricey at the grocery store.  It takes a little time, but it is very easy to make spreadable butter at a fraction of the cost.  All it takes is butter and milk or water.  Merely mix softened butter with some warm milk or water and the result is spreadable butter.  Use water for making diet butter.

I probably should have posted this before I did the flavored butters posts.  Alas, I did not.  Any of the flavored butter seasonings can be added to this recipe when the butter and milk/water have been mixed together.  The seasoning amounts need to be doubled as there are two sticks of butter used here.

Spreadable or Diet Butter
1/2 lb. (2 sticks) butter, salted or unsalted
1/4 c. milk or water, warmed but not hot
1/4 t. salt (if using unsalted butter)

Leave butter at room temperature until very soft or soften in the microwave in 10 second intervals.   (I usually do the latter.)  Place in bowl and add milk or water.  Mix together until well combined.  This can be done with a hand electric mixer or with a rubber spatula.  Add salt if using unsalted butter.  Turn into a covered container and store in the refrigerator.  Take butter from fridge and let set out a little while before using. Makes slightly over 1/2 lb. spreadable butter.

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