
Friday Finds

Tasty Kitchen via Dine and Dish

Kristen over at Dine and Dish had a link to this delicious looking dish from Tasty Kitchen.  I got a very good buy on bacon last week, and I think that this is landing on our dinner table tomorrow.

Walnut Acre

More bacon (isn't anything better with bacon in it?).  I often make what I call "Cheese Bread" with hamburger or sandwich buns, but I had never though of adding bacon.  What a great idea!

Honey-Mustard Glazed Carrots
Aunt Nubby's Kitchen

Roasted Ginger Carrots
Kuzaks Closet

Carrots are one of my favorite veggies if they are not over cooked.  I like that they are always "in season" so I can buy them whenever I want.  Both of these recipes look delicious, and I will be trying them soon.

Mostly Food and Crafts

This post was part of the Macaroni and Cheese Challenge.  The two kids are adorable.  I think anything made in single size servings is great fun.  There are links here for all of the Challenge postings so I was kept busy for awhile.

Picture Perfect Cooking

Potatoes.  Butter.  All I can say is Yum, Yum, Yum; and I want some right now.

Sunday Baker via Two Peas and their Pod

Of course I found a cookie recipe.  What an unusual name.   Bar cookies with a cookie base, covered with marshmallows and chocolate chips, topped with meringue, what would I not like about these.

Well, these are my Finds for this week.  Looking forward to see what others have found.

Note:  All photos are the property of the owners of the respective blogs represented here.

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