
Chocolate Sugar Crisps-Saturday Sweets

I though that today, I would take a break from posting recipes using rhubarb, and share something chocolate.  I made cookies, of course.

I have always liked the texture of cookies made with a butter/vegetable oil and granulated/powdered sugar combination in the ingredients, so I was glad to run across this chocolate version.

I have adapted it from a recipe I found in one of those little cook books found at checkout in the grocery store.  This one was called “Chocolate Lovers Cookies & Brownies” from 1989.

Since the cookie needs to chill at least  30 minutes but can refrigerated up to a week, this is a good dough to make ahead.

Chocolate Sugar Crisps
1/2 c. butter or margarine softened
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
2 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 c. unsweetened cocoa
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. cream of tartar
1/4 t. salt
1/2 c. finely chopped pecans
granulated sugar

Cream butter, oil, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, egg and vanilla in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy.  Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt in a small bowl.  Mix together well.  Add to creamed mixture, stirring until dough is smooth.  Stir in pecans until well blended.  Cover and chill at least 30 minutes.  Shape dough into balls the size of marbles and place 2-inches apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet.  Flatten cookie balls with bottom of a glass dipped in granulated sugar.  Bake at 350 about 10 minutes or until firm.  Remove to wire racks to cool.  Makes about 5 dozen.

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