
Lime Coconut Nut Bars

Lady Behind the Curtain Dessert Challenge

The ingredients that Sheryl at Lady Behind the Curtain picked for the May Dessert Challenge were coconut and lime.  Since I am not a fan of lime, I almost skipped this one.

However, I had managed to get my dates mixed up and missed last month’s challenge of pretzels and caramel, so I decided that I wanted to give it a go.  It is no secret that, given the chance, I will always elect to make a cookie, and the cookie is usually a bar cookie.  This time is no exception to that.  I looked through my favorite Farm Journal Homemade Cookies book for ideas, found a recipe that called for lemon juice and decided I could use lime juice instead.

I don’t usually have limes on hand, but I do keep a product called TrueLime in my pantry for those rare times that I use lime.  I opted to use that in my recipe, using 2 packets and 2 T. water.  Lime lovers could use the juice of a real lime, zest the lime and add it for more lime flavor.

I thought that almonds went well with the coconut, but any nut can be used.  Macadamia nuts would be good for a splurge, I think.

Since there is such a small amount of butter called for in the glaze, I place it in a medium, metal mixing bowl and put the bowl in the oven until the butter is melted.  Also please note that the recipe calls for sifted confectioners.  Measure a cup of confectioners sugar, sift it and measure again.  There will be more sugar than will fit into the cup.

A little confession here:  In a burst of ill-conceived creativity, I tinted the glaze green.  In retrospect, that was not such a good idea.  It did not look so good in the photos.  As usual, I was up against the fence and did not have time or ingredients to make another batch.  It certainly did not affect the taste, however.

Lime Coconut Nut Bars
adapted from Farm Journal Homemade Cookies

1 1/2 c. sifted flour
1/2 c. brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 c. butter or margarine
2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. flaked coconut
1 c. brown sugar, firmly packed
3/4 c. chopped nuts
2 T. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1 c. sifted confectioners sugar
1 T. butter or margarine, melted
juice of 1 lime, about 2 T.

In a large mixing bowl combine flour and brown sugar.  Mix to combine.  Cut a cube of butter into several slices and add to flour/brown sugar mixture.  Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut butter into flour/brown sugar mixture until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal.  Turn into a foil-lined 9x13-inch baking pan, patting down firmly and evenly.  Bate at 275 degrees 10 minutes.  Wipe out the mixing bowl, add eggs and beat.  Stir in brown sugar, coconut, nuts, flour, baking powder and salt.  Gently spread on top of baked crust.  Increase oven to 350 degrees.  Bake 20 minutes.  Measure a cup of confectioners sugar.  Sift and measure again.  In a small bowl, combine confectioners sugar, melted butter and lime juice.  Spread over the top of the warm cookies.  Cool slightly, cut into bars.  Cool completely in pan on a rack.  Makes about 36 bars.

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