
Pecan Delight-Good Old Fashioned Recipe Blog Swap

Today is the day for the Good Old Fashioned Recipe Blog Swap.  I was paired up with Tammy from Yours and Mine ARE Ours.  Tammy's blog is filled with delicious recipes, reviews and lots of good stuff.  Take it away, Tammy.

Hi, I’m Tammy and I blog over at Yours And Mine ARE Ours.  I’m so excited to be a part of this Good Old Fashioned Recipe Blog Swap that was put together by Julie from White Lights On Wednesday, Kelly from Miss Information and Rachel from I Love My Disorganized Life.  I’m even more excited to have been paired up with Grandma Loy!  I’m a huge fan of her blog!

When you visit my blog you will find mostly recipes with a little bit of homemade household cleaners and DIY thrown in.   My family is a blended family with six children who range in age from 25 to 10.  We also have two grandchildren ages 5 and 11 months.  This recipe I’m sharing with you today is one of our kids favorites!  It was shared with me by my children's step-mother.  I know you probably think that’s odd but we try very hard to get along and live like a family as much as possible.  Does that mean we always get along??  Well.. simply… NO!  However, we do our best. Because, after all we share in the life of the most important little and big people ever!  Our children and grandchildren.

This is a great recipe if you need to make something in a hurry, and it can be easily doubled for a large group as well.  I hope you all and Grandma Loy love it as much as our children do!
 Pecan Delight1 
Pecan Delight
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup Crushed Pecans
8 oz. cream cheese
1 Cup Powdered Sugar
Small Container of Whipped Topping
2 small packages of instant pudding – I used chocolate however you could use almost any kind you want
2 1/2 cups milk

Blend flour, butter and 1/2 cup of the crushed pecans with a pastry cutter.  Press evenly into bottom of a 9x13 pan.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.  Let cool completely. Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar and 1 cup of cool whip, well and spread evenly over crust. Mix pudding and milk well and spread over cream cheese layer. Cover with remaining cool whip and sprinkle with crushed pecans.
 Pecan Delight2

Grandma Loy thank you so much for allowing me to share with you and your readers!

Isn't that a delicious looking dessert?  Tammy, it was just great having you here today.

I'll be sharing Taste of the Tropics Fruit Pudding Cake on Tammy's blog, so be sure to stop by and check it out.  If you want to see all the recipes from all 30 bloggers, click on over and visit one of the hosts. Rachel at I Love My Disorganized Life, Julie at White Lights on Wednesday, or  Kelly at Miss Information.


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