
Friday Finds

It's Friday and time for another Friday Finds.  Here are a few posts that caught my eye this week.

Mennonite Girls Can Cook

I have a good recipe for a dessert rhubarb sauce, but I am anxious to try this more barbecue type one.  Seems like it would be a good use of some of the rhubarb still in the freezer from last year.


This is an interesting barbecue sauce that starts with a purchased pasta sauce as a base.  That is very different from most barbecue sauce recipes I have.

Hot Eats and Cool Reads

I definitely need to add this one to my "to make" list of slow cooker recipes.  The sauce adds that extra something that would make this a great dish to serve to guests.

Frugal Living NW

This is a method for baking bread that I really want to try.  There is a whole wheat, molasses version in this post also.

A Pinch of Joy

This recipe says it's a salad.  OK, I'll go along with that, but I don't find many salads that have butterscotch pudding, whipped topping, caramel sauce and toffee bits in them.  Well, calling it a salad will make me feel better when I eat it.

A Pinch of Joy

I actually was planning to include the Cheddar Chunk Green Pea Salad, but then I saw a link to this one at the bottom of the post.  I have some cauliflower I need to use up, and veggies are always better with bacon. I guess now I will be making two salads.  Maybe I will add bacon to the pea salad, too.

These are a few of the great dishes that I found this week.  I am linking up to Friday Favorite Finds over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  Stop by to check out what other bloggers have found in their travels around the web this week.



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