
Easy, Versatile Rhubarb Sauce-Saturday Sweets

I am getting Saturday Sweets going again by sharing a Easy, Versatile Rhubarb Sauce with some suggested variations and uses.

I love spring when fresh rhubarb is available.  I have found that people are usually in two camps when it comes to rhubarb, “Love It or hate It.”   I am solidly in the “Love It” camp.  I got free rhubarb when my parents were alive as they grew a couple plants.  Now I must buy it and can get very excited when I find it at the produce stand for .89 a lb.

This sauce can be made with either fresh or frozen rhubarb or made up and frozen itself for a little spring time all winter.

Combining the rhubarb with other fruit makes for some really nice flavors.  Chopped apples, cherries and strawberries can be use in a 1/3 to 1/2 ratio to the rhubarb.  Raspberries can be measured and added without chopping.  Canned crushed pineapple may be drained and added.  Use the juice as part of the water.  A 20 oz. can of crushed pineapple has about 2 cups of pineapple in it.

The sauce has the consistency of thick applesauce.   A bit more water can be added if a thinner sauce is desired.  I sometimes add a drop or two of red food coloring to make the sauce prettier, and I did that to the sauce in the photos.

Easy and Versatile Rhubarb Sauce
6 cups of sliced fresh or frozen rhubarb (see other rhubarb/fruit combination suggested above)
2 c. sugar (if combining rhubarb with other fruit, start with 1 c. and gradually add more to desired sweetness)
1/3 c. water or combination of water and pineapple juice
1/4 c. cornstarch
1/2  to 1 t. almond extract or vanilla (optional)

In a medium saucepan mix together the rhubarb or rhubarb and fruit, the sugar, water and cornstarch.  Mix well.  Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring often.  Boil 1 or 2 minutes, stirring until liquid clears and mixture thickens.  remove from heat  Allow to cool  and store covered in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Makes 4 cups.  I prefer to use the sauce cold, but it can be heated.  Use sauce to top ice cream, cake or pudding.  Make rhubarb shortcake by spooning sauce into store-bought sponge short cakes and topping with whipped topping.  Spoon a couple tablespoons sauce on hot oatmeal.

I will soon be posting Rhubarb Streusel Shortbread Bars and a coffee cake that uses this sauce.

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