
Friday Finds

Here it is already time for another Friday Finds, so I am sharing just a few samples of the goodies I found on the web this week.

Happier than a Pig in Mud

Can't wait to try these easy pickled onions to have around for hamburgers and salads this summer.  The recipe is very easy, can be eaten right away, and Lynn says they are even better after a day or two.

It's a Keeper

I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to spicy food, but I do like a little Sriracha on some things so I am anxious to try this coleslaw.

For the Love of Cooking

As I have said, I am trying to eat more veggies so I have broccoli often.  I am always looking for new ways to prepare it.

Eat Cake for Dinner

Sometimes I just want to make something quick and simple but delicious for dinner.  This one looks as though it would "fit the bill."

High Heels & Grills

It has cooled off considerably here, but I sure would have liked one of these when we were having such high temperatures a week or so ago.  Summer is coming, I am going to indulge.

I am linking to Friday Favorite Finds over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  Click on over to see what other bloggers have found in their travels around the web this week.

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